Hampton Oaks
100 acres site cleared and grubbed by SLF. One portion of this site was burned with an ACI to reduce emissions. The other portion was grinded and hauled off. ACI burning and grinding are great options when sites are close to homes & developments. We specialize in both!

The Hills at Minneola
This was a 500 acre project that included clearing, grubbing, and open burning. It was completed on a 2.5 month schedule in preparation for 2.4 million yards of dirt.

Beacon Lakes
After quality clearing, grubbing, and burning, this site was ready for 1.5 million yards of dirt.
Lakepark Estates
Check out these before, progress, and nearing completion pictures of the job site in Deland, FL. Here at SLF, we take pride in the quality of our work. We work hand in hand with our contractors to complete blocks in an orderly fashion to keep on or ahead of schedule.

In preparation for a development, our crew handled the clearing, grubbing, disking, and burning on site with an air curtain.

Ocoee Village
75 acres of grove clearing

Black & Veatch
Magnolia Springs Solar Project
370 acres - cleared, grubbed, and burned. Disked, rolled, and replanted in Bahia.
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Phillips and Jordan, Inc.
Western Way Project
85 acres - cleared, grubbed, and burned
3 week schedule
Kissimmee, Florida
Cline Construction
Los Logos Project
21 Acres - cleared, grubbed, grind, and hauled off
Felix Associates of Florida
Fort Drum Solar Project
412 acres - mow,clear, grub, and burn
Southland Construction, Inc
US 441 Expansion
50 acres - right of way clearing
Lady Lake, Florida